Successful METEC Field Testing of UNM-SensorComm Smart Portable IoT Methane Sensor System
Innovative early-warning system for natural gas leak detection tested at Colorado State University METEC facility
Albuquerque, NM – 29 September 2022 – SensorComm Technologies, Inc. (the “Company”, “SensorComm” or “SCT”) with offices in New Mexico and California (USA), together with the University of New Mexico Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (“UNM”), is pleased to announce that successful field testing of a smart portable Internet-of-Things (“IoT”) methane sensor system (“IoT Methane Sensor System”) was completed in August 2022 at Colorado State University’s (“CSU”) Methane Emission Technology Evaluation Center (“METEC”). The innovative early-warning system for natural gas leak detection has been developed as part of an ongoing three year joint UNM-SCT contract with the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”), through its Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (Award DE-FE0031864).

UNM-SensorComm IoT methane sensor system successfully field tested at METEC facility.
Lok-kun Tsui, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, University of New Mexico, Center for Micro Engineered Materials, was onsite throughout the testing process and commented: “Field testing of the IoT methane sensor system was a demonstrated success. The core technology has shown itself to be more robust, and further advanced, than anticipated.”
“Our technology addresses key gaps in the emissions monitoring market,” stated Fernando Garzon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Micro-Engineered Materials. “In addition to methane, it serves as a market accelerator for other gases including hydrogen and ammonia. Moreover, METEC field testing represents a key milestone outlined to Senator Heinrich in the UNM-SensorComm February 2022 briefing.”
Kamil Agi, Ph.D., President and CEO, SensorComm Technologies, Inc., concluded: “Successful field testing at METEC was a critical step in validating the commercial potential of the technology. The IoT methane sensor system has already expanded its applicability for identified market needs. Execution of the technology roadmap, developed by the UNM-SensorComm team, establishes a strong foundation for commercialization success.”
Follow-on testing is scheduled in Q4-2022 at the METEC facility.
Additional information will be made available in future news releases.
Source: SensorComm Technologies, Inc.
Contact: SensorComm Technologies, Inc. (USA) |
+1.415.273.9188 | | @sensorcommtech
Contact: Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (USA) |
About SensorComm Technologies: SensorComm is building a better, more sustainable world with smart portable IoT emission monitoring solutions for transportation and energy. Our systems provide information and intelligence leading to efficiencies that enable individuals to make smarter choices for themselves and the world around them. SensorComm is an Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance partner and a Cisco® Solution Partner Program member. Wi-NOx™ is recipient of the CES Las Vegas “Climate Change Innovator Award”.
About UNM’s Center for Micro-Engineered Materials: The Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (CMEM) is a university wide collaboration bringing world class capabilities in micro and nano science and engineering. Our focus is on “bottom up” additive approaches towards building materials and devices for energy conversion and efficiency, nanomedicine, earth & planetary sciences & environmental geochemistry. The center couples solution and colloid chemistry and physics with advanced manufacturing engineering to provide innovation. We provide multi-disciplinary theoretical, computational and experimental capabilities to solve complex problems. CMEM maintains campus wide high value characterization tools available for the use of the entire UNM research community.
About CSU METEC: The METEC facility is a unique test and research facility for emissions detection and quantification, methods development, and training. The METEC research program centers around a staff of research scientists, management and students who are focused on emissions from oil & gas (O&G) infrastructure. METEC is located in northwest Fort Collins, on CSU’s foothills campus. For more information visit: